Comportamento Motor

Differences in Leisure Physical Activity Participation in Children with Typical Development and Cerebral Palsy

Vila-Nova, F., Dos Santos Cardoso de Sa, C., Oliveira, R., & Cordovil, R. (2021). Differences in Leisure Physical Activity Participation in Children with Typical Development and Cerebral Palsy. Dev Neurorehabil, 24(3), 180-186. doi: 10.1080/17518423.2020.1819461.

O impacto da prática do futsal para a competência motora de crianças

Flôres, F., Milani, M., Copetti, F., Luz, C., & Cordovil, R. (2020). O impacto da prática do futsal para a competência motora de crianças. Motrivivência, 32(63), 1-13. doi: 10.5007/2175-8042.2020e73696.

Homogeneous Distribution of Passing between Players of a Team Predicts Attempts to Shoot at Goal in Association Football: A Case Study with 10 Matches

Gama, J., Dias, G., Passos, P., Couceiro, M. & Davids, K. (2020). Homogeneous Distribution of Passing between Players of a Team Predicts Attempts to Shoot at Goal in Association Football: A Case Study with 10 Matches. Nonlinear Dynamics Psychology and Life Sciences,

Nature-based early childhood education for child health, wellbeing and development: a mixed-methods systematic review protocol

Johnstone, A., McCrorie, P., Cordovil, R., Fjørtoft, I., Livonen, S., Jidovtseff, B., Lopes, F., Reilly, J., Thomson, H., Wells, V., Martin, A. (2020). Nature-based early childhood education for child health, wellbeing and development: a mixed-methods systematic review protocol. Systematic Reviews, 9, 226. doi: 10.1186/s13643-020-01489-1.

O Direito das Crianças à Cidade apropriada como lugar de Liberdade e de (inter)Ação. Sociologia

Lopes, F., Madeira, R., & Neto, C. (2020). O Direito das Crianças à Cidade apropriada como lugar de Liberdade e de (inter)Ação. Sociologia. Revista Da Faculdade de Letras Da Universidade Do Porto, Número Temático-Direitos das crianças: abordagens críticas a partir das ciências sociais, 31–52. doi: 10.21747/08723419/soctem2020a2.

Capturing Interpersonal Synergies in Badminton Doubles

Passos, P., Lacasa, E., Milho, J. & Torrents, C. (2020). Capturing Interpersonal Synergies in Badminton Doubles. Nonlinear Dynamics Psychology and Life Science, 24(1), 59-78.

Developing a two-dimensional landscape model of opportunities for penetrative passing in Association Football – Stage I

Passos, P., Silva, R.A., Gomez-Jordana, L., & Davids, K. (2020). Developing a two-dimensional landscape model of opportunities for penetrative passing in Association Football – Stage I. Journal of Sports Sciences,

Correlates of children's physical activity during the COVID-19 confinement in Portugal

Pombo, A., Luz, C., Rodrigues, L. P., Ferreira, C., & Cordovil, R. (2020). Correlates of children's physical activity during the COVID-19 confinement in Portugal. Public Health, 189, 14-19. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2020.09.009.

The role of variability in the control of the basketball dribble under different perceptual setups

Robalo, R., Diniz, A., Fernandes, O. & Passos, P. (2020). The role of variability in the control of the basketball dribble under different perceptual setups. European Journal of Sport Science, doi: 10.1080/17461391.2020.1759695.

Barriers for Outdoor Play in Early Childhood Education and Care

Sandseter, E., Cordovil, R., Hagen, T., & Lopes, F. (2020). Barriers for Outdoor Play in Early Childhood Education and Care. Child Care in Practice, 26:2, 111-129. doi: 10.1080/13575279.2019.1685461.


Oeiras Valley

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