Projeto MLO - Movement and Learning Outside - Erasmus KA2 - 2017-1-PT01-KA201-035784
Coordenadora da FMH: Rita Cordovil
Coordenação: Câmara Municipal de Torres Vedras
Instituições participantes: CM Torres Vedras (Portugal), Universidade de Lisboa – FMH-UL (Portugal), Agrupamento de Escolas Madeira Torres (Portugal), Kindergarten Matije Gupca (Croácia), Queen Maud University College of Early Childhood Education (Noruega), Kindergarten Naba (Estónia), NGO Payzontas (Grécia).
Datas: 2017 - 2020
This international action-research project aims at promoting the practice of outdoor education through a play-based and physical activity approach in preschools. Inspired and supported by the kind of pedagogical approach widely spread in Norway, our project aims specifically at: - Drawing changes on the perceptions of policy makers, teachers, caretakers and parents on the possibilities of the outdoor as a rich and valuable environment for preschool children's learning, development and well-being.; - Improving pedagogical competences of preschool teachers and caretakers working with children in the outdoor environment, adopting physical activity and play based strategies. These objectives will be achieved through the implementation of different activities within the investigation-action by the universities investigators that will involve children, preschool staff members, parents and municipality staff with the purpose of changing mentalities. In a way, it can be said that the project target group is virtually the whole society.